The face from a few days ago has been bothering me for a while now. I know I probably shouldn’t let it bother me…. buutt… It’s like I should know better and yet couldn’t figure out what was wrong. That is, until I visited Tam’s willowing's ning site site. In the forum, she had taken the time to critique user’s painted faces. She, very kindly and generously, told them how she thought they could improve the painting.
There was a face up for critique that was very similar to the one I did. What she said about that painting that also applied to mine was that the forehead/top of the head was too small. Well duh! That was it. Plus I thought the lips were too large as well.
I didn’t redo the actual painting, I took the image into Photoshop Elements and made the adjustments there. Sheesh! It might have been faster to correct the actual painting. Don’t look too closely at the corrected image: it’s a mess because I’m not a real whiz at PSE. However, I think it was a huge improvement. Also, it helped me “see” that little changes can make all the difference in the world. (the forehead and the lips were all I changed). Here are the before and after.

With all the surgery she’s gone though, poor girl deserves a name. (With a nod to my friend Jenny, because she names all her girls.)
Meet Bernadette.

Sniff, sniff…she no longer looks like a flat headed child that only a mother could love. Oh wait…I wasn’t too crazy about her before…I’m a bad mama.
If you’re still reading, what do you think?
Thanks for your sweet comments.