July 27, 2012

Diary of Faces wk 2

Here is my rendition of Nicolae Grigorescu’s painting named Gypsy's Head. Nicolae Grigorescu was a Romanian Painter, 1838-1907 and was one of the founders of modern Romanian painting.  You can see more of his art by clicking here.

Here is my initial sketch


This is my painting, and it seems that somewhere in the middle of the painting she decided to look elsewhere than straight ahead. I mean, in my initial sketch and the original painting the eyes are looking straight ahead and now they are looking to the left.   But over all I’m pleased with the results. At least she isn’t googly eyed right?


and below is the original work by the artist:

Nicolae Grigorescu-Gypsy's Head

I’m linking to Paint Party Friday. Please go visit this blog and all the wonderful art by the participants.


One last note: And I have to say welcome back to my precious Little G who spent a confusing week away from his mama, papa and nana. My cautionary note for the week: If you’re thinking of taking a child away from his only source of security, please think of the child and not your own petty reasons for taking him. It took him quite a while to feel secure again that we weren’t going to leave him.  I’m sure no one reading this blog would do that to a child but I had to say it.  That’s all.


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