I bet you though I’d disappeared never to return. Nah, just been so busy I haven’t had the opportunity to create art. Although I have been working on a big project, not a painting, that I can’t discuss or show you just yet. But I will when it’s complete.
If you’re a frequent reader of my blog you know that there has been some turmoil around Casa de LittleBit. Well, decisions have been made and all for the better I might add. Except that while I know intellectually that the changes will be good for us, my emotions are still fighting it. Giving up on this life is H-A-R-D.
We will be putting our house on the market soon and are now in the process of cleaning, decluttering and purging ourselves of unnecessary household goods. How do you collect that much stuff in just 4 years? Unbelievable.
To what end? We have decided to move back to our home town in New Mexico. That is where my husband and I are both from (although we never lived there as a married couple.) My daughter lives there with her husband and her soon to be born son as does my step-daughter.. While I am beyond thrilled that we will be living close to our precious children and grandchild…… I never planned on living in NM ever again. It’s not the place I really want to be. And yet…we’re going because that’s where we should be … with our family. We decided we need to be in our grandchild’s life much more than we hate living in NM. So that’s where we are going to be starting over. But I don’t know when just yet.
My journal page reflects the conflict that’s been plaguing my mind:
“We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. “

Have I told you that I love the movie “The Crow” with Brandon Lee? No? Well, last weekend as I watched my 10th or so viewing of it, I took this photo of the TV screen with an Iphone app called Procamera, then used the PSMobile app, to alter it. I think it’s cool. :)

What’s on your mind these days?