December 13, 2010

An SVG Christmas Ornament Freebie

I designed and made a quick Christmas ornament with my Cricut and my Make the cut software. But I have exported the file into an SVG so that it is usable with other die-cutting programs.  It’s very simple and quick to make:



You can download the file from here: FrameOrnament.svg  but do it this way: Right click the link and choose “Save link as….”

This is how it looks:


The cute family is my girl, her husband and of course, the always cute Little G. Can you tell I adore them?

Merry Chrismas all.

December 7, 2010

Time flies when you are having fun.

We spent the weekend getting the house ready to set up the Christmas tree. That meant moving furniture around so I could finally have my tree in the living room window. I’ve never owned a house with a large window facing the street. Well OK, I still don’t. But the house I live in has one. So I’m a happy [Christmas] camper.

I decided not to get a real tree this year. My guy hates to clean up after them and so I decided to be nice to him this year and get an artificial tree.  And he decided not to complain about putting up the outdoor Christmas lights. Yay we both win. LOL!! Ok confession time, we did it for Little G. It’s G’s first Christmas and although he won’t remember it, we will and so will My Girl [G’s momma].



In other news, I've been really enjoying the Tim Holtz 12 Tags of Christmas.  However,   I could never afford to create all the beautiful tags he's designed without my Cricut cutter and Make The Cut software [aka MTC].  Tim uses so many different die cuts and each set is about $20 each. So I've been using MTC to make my own versions of his designs.  If you haven't heard of the 12 Tags of Christmas, here is link to the blog where the tutorials are located. Beware, tag making is addicting and the tutorials are quite long and informative.

This is what I’ve done so far:







I’ve showed you mine, now you show me yours. :)

November 24, 2010

She is such a pouty girl.

Or so my husband says. I suppose she is. And I suppose it comes from taking classes from Suzi Blu. All her girls are pouty.  I think everyone is entitled to a good old fashioned pout session so it’s OK.


Happy  Thanksgiving!!

November 21, 2010

I say a little prayer

I have been uninspired lately and it’s been hard to get working on my art. It seems like I can always find something else to do, even when I go into my office/art room to paint.  That's part of the problem though, my office has not only my art supplies but my computer. I sit down to look for one specific thing on my computer and before you know it, it’s hours later and I still haven’t done what I set out to do in the first place. I think I have ADD.

Anyway I did manage to finish the following page after watching an old episode of Creative Labs with Michael deMeng on DIY a few days ago. I really liked his idea to use a polaroid frame to insert a new image. I may make a few more empty frames with my Cricut for later use. 

Poloroid photo page 1

Poloroid photo page 2

Poloroid photo page 3

I really like the veiny, spidery texture. It really holds the color well.

November 2, 2010

Journal Page - Be Yourself



I'm taking the free Art, Heart & Healing class from Tams at and this page is a result of the class.

Of course, I never follow the instructions exactly. I have to bend them to fit my needs. I am, however, enjoying the class immensely. 

October 24, 2010

Such a cutie pie


Just thought you’d like to see an updated photo of my grandson, Gregory. Here he is inspecting the art on the playmat in his room at Grandma’s.  Yes, he has his own room at our house too. 

He’s almost 4 months now and we have been having a grand time getting to know each other all over again.  Although it’s easy to get a big smile from him these days, he’s still a very serious little boy. He seems to study everything intently. He is especially fond of ceiling fans and his friend Scout.  LOL!

October 23, 2010

Cool Photographs


I took these photos during a walk in Old Sacramento sometime last year.  Don’t know why I hadn’t posted them before but I love them, especially the first one. So why am I posting them now? Feeling sentimental? Perhaps.  Bored?  Yeah That too. But mostly I just wanted to share something cool.

On the Boardwalk

This next one reminds me of an abstract painting. 

Patterns in everyday life

I purposely took this picture upside down so the words wouldn’t be the focus and you’d see just the wonderful pattern. (very Zentangle like). However,  I find myself looking at the words because they are upside down. Sheesh!

Cool patterns

I think I’ll take my camera out tomorrow.

October 18, 2010

My Walking Stick


The best, the most exquisite automobile is a walking stick; and one of the finest things in life is going on a journey with it” ~~~ by Robert Coates Holliday


I post or so ago, (it been so long I’ve forgotten), and before I left California, I wrote that I was working on a walking stick.  This stick was one I cut off of the big butterfly bush that was growing in the back yard of my house in Woodland. Every year I had to trim this huge bush because if I didn’t it would grow to be well over 9-10 ft tall. And when in bloom, it would also be full of big, fat, round, scary, black bees.  What I didn’t realize when I cut this stick was that it would become a beautiful walking stick (Well I think it is anyway.)  It was so sturdy and firm and miraculously shaped just right for my height and hands. 

When realized what I had, I decided to leave it be for a while and let it dry, then paint it. I didn’t know how long it would take to dry out so i left it for a year… more than enough time. Then I took my Dremmel and cut off and sanded the nubs.  Then painted it with gesso and acrylic paint. Then added some doodles and finished it off with several coats of outdoor Polyurethane.  This is the finished product:

WalkingStick 1


WalkingStick 5WalkingStick 4WalkingStick 3

Walking Stick 2

I’ve taken it out for a spin, very nice. :)

September 17, 2010

Well, here we go.


Saturday will be our last full day in California. We're almost done packing and we leave Northern California on Saturday morning.  We'll be on the road all day and spend the night in Needles. By Sunday morning we'll leave the great state of California (and I do mean that sincerely) and head to our new home and new life in NM.

It's hard to believe it's already time to go and, at the same time, it's taken a long time to get here.  I've made my peace with the notion that we are moving and, in fact, I'm really looking forward to it. Excited you might even say.  I have plans.... big plans. They involve children, grandchildren, reaching out to family and friends, a new art studio, hiking, biking and more.... My head is spinning just thinking about it.

Needless to say I haven't created much art lately, well, not unless you call lettering "Studio" on packed boxes art. No, I don't either.

Good news, my guy got a job offer in New Mexico on Thursday and he starts October 11th. They are giving us a lot of time to get there and get settled before he starts. The timing couldn't be better. It's such a relief. He's been looking a long time. So I guess it's all meant to be.

It's late, got to pack some more so I'll say goodbye from California.  Talk to you again from New Mexico.  Wish us luck. Waves Bye

September 9, 2010

New Journal Pages

You can tell when I have visited Teesha Moore’s blog because I add borders around my journal pages.

Day Dream


The week I created this page I was having an obsession with paper flowers. I actually made a few to put on the kitchen table.  I’ll probably leave them in my studio for the new owner to find.

Bloom Where You're Planted

Did I tell you I found the Sharpie poster paint markers at Micheal’s?  Yeah, they come in all sorts of colors and I love them.

September 7, 2010

Saying our goodbyes to our favorite beach

As you may have read, we are moving to NM soon and in these last few weeks that remain, we are visiting some of the places and restaurants we have loved in Northern California. Saturday, my guy and I went to say our goodbyes to Stinson Beach.  We’ve celebrated our anniversary there a few times and spent many a weekend walking the long stretch of beach over the last 23 years both with and without our daughter and her assorted friends. There were a lot of great memories created there.

Here is my guy looking out at the ocean after a long walk.


My feet in the water. It felt so good.


Do you see where the hill tapers off into the water?  That’s where we started our walk. There’s hardly any one that walks out this far unless they live there. (There are houses to the left of where we were standing.) It was our “3 hour tour” but, alas, we didn’t get stranded on a lovely island.


Here is my tribute to our lovely weekend.

23 Year Vacation

August 21, 2010

Yes, We Have No Piñatas

Just a page I created to get something off my chest.  I feel better now.

Yes, We Have No Pinatas

I have a “blogging without obligation” motto for my blog but I still feel guilty for not posting more often. In my defense, I have been working on several projects at the same time, but they are in various stages of incompletion. So I had nothing to show except my piss poor attempts at humor.  Here is what I have on the drawing board:

I have a painted walking stick, taken from our Butterfly bush, that I actually plan on taking for a walk. It’s almost done.  It just needs some varnish to protect the finish.

I’m also making a new 6” X 6” journal. The cover is made with recycled materials. You may be surprised at what I used.

And I have a 14” x 17” mixed media painting/collage that needs some lettering done on it.  I’m really liking how this one is turning out so I don’t want to rush it and make a mess of it. 

Of course, I have my art journal that I work in sporadically.

And I’ve also decided to practice sketching faces in the Sabrina Ward Harrison bound sketch book I purchased last time I was in Albuquerque. It has too many pages to paint in. It would get too bulky so I’m just going to sketch in it.

In the weird but true category: Lately I seem to see faces  in all sorts of odd places. No, not faces of Jesus, just faces. For example, last night I was watching an artist interview on Ovation TV and in the background was a curtain hanging in such a way that the light and shadows created an image of the face.  It passed so quickly that I had to rewind the interview so I could see if I imagined seeing it. It was 1:30 am after all and I’d had a Margarita earlier in the evening….so you never know.  So I paused the interview at just the right spot, ran and got my sketch book and sketched it.  I’ve decided that if they are going to appear to me, I’m going to sketch them.  They’re there for a reason, don’t you think?


August 6, 2010

How happy can a chubby girl be?

Just a couple of pages to show you today:

The first was from a vintage ad that had this woman along with the words:

“How happy can a chubby girl be?” It was an ad for clothing. I don’t think the manufacturer would dare to run an ad like that today.

Chubby Girl


This page is a simple one made with tape from TapeSwell and Michael’s.  In order to add the black charcoal I had to paint the tape with clear gesso. Once the gesso dried I added the smudged charcoal and set it with Krylon Fixative so it wouldn’t rub off.

The flowers were some extra die cuts I had leftover from another project. Now when I look at them, they seem to need some definition.

Tape art

Thanks for reading.

July 28, 2010

Love Comes in Tiny Packages


I’m back home and I’m back to creating in my art journal and of course one of the first subjects had to be Lil G. (in the middle of the night he’s known as Notorious G.) I cried the day I left Albuquerque to come home.  I miss him and his mama like crazy. Yes I have a new obsession and you’ll probably get sick of my talking about him and all I can say about that is you were warned. :) 

What have you been up to?  Seriously, what have you been doing?  Leave me a comment.

That’s it for today, I’ll have more soon.  Don’t want to overwhelm you with my wonderfulness…. OK don’t laugh cuz I can hear you. :)

July 5, 2010

Welcome Little G. into the world

Saturday morning at 3:20 am, my daughter gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy named Gregory Charles.  He was 6 lbs 11 oz.

He is our first grandchild and I am already so in love with him that I am busting at the seams. I can see that he will become a wonderful source of journaling material.

Baby boy GCB


I want to thank my girl and her husband for letting us, my guy and I, be a part of the birthing process. We were with them through all of it and while it was so difficult to witness her pain, I am so grateful that we were allowed to help them. It brought us even closer together than we already were.

It was through this experience I learned that my daughter is the strongest woman I know. She had to go through so much to give birth to this beautiful little boy and she barely cried even though she was in a tremendous amount of pain. I AM SO PROUD OF HER. She is going to be a wonderful mother.

Now you know what I’ve been up to. What about you?  What have you been doing?

June 22, 2010

Yes, I’m still a Twirp.

Still a Twirp

A few weeks ago I was reorganizing our collection of family photos and memorabilia and I came across a scrapbook I kept when I was in high school.  Among the photos of my high school buds I found my old learners permit and a “Twirp License.” Have you ever heard of a Twirp License? 

Every year we had a week long school event called Sadie Hawkins week and at the end of the week we had the Sadie Hawkins dance. In order to go to this dance, the guys had to be invited by a girl and the girl had to buy a Twirp license if they wanted to do the inviting.  (Now I’m wishing I hadn’t packed away the photograph of me with my date. Talk about looking like a Twirp.)

The dance was a lot of fun and I was able to get close to the boy I may have never had the chance to know well had I not acted like “a Twirp”.  (Unfortunately he met his demise a year or so later but that’s another story altogether.) The lesson it taught me was that sometimes you have to risk getting embarrassed to get something you want.

I took that same type of risk some years later when I first laid eyes on my husband. He walked in to the bar where I was having drinks with my girlfriends, I took one look in his eyes and knew I wanted him in my life. I immediately wondered how I was going to meet him and still not look too forward or trashy. As he stood talking with some friends, I walked past him and as I did, I reached over and lightly touched his hand with my fingertips and said Hi….That’s all, just Hi and kept walking.  Lucky for him he followed me (LOL), and the rest is a 25 year history.

Have you ever wondered what would have happened had you taken the risk you were too afraid to take? Or did you take the risk and reap the benefits? Tell me about it.

June 15, 2010

Starting Over

I bet you though I’d disappeared never to return.  Nah, just been so busy I haven’t had the opportunity to create art.  Although I have been working on a big project, not a painting, that I can’t discuss or show you just yet.  But I will when it’s complete.

If you’re a frequent reader of my blog you know that there has been some turmoil around Casa de LittleBit. Well, decisions have been made and all for the better I might add.  Except that while I know intellectually that the changes will be good for us, my emotions are still fighting it.  Giving up on this life is H-A-R-D. 

We will be putting our house on the market soon and are now in the process of cleaning, decluttering and purging ourselves of unnecessary household goods. How do you collect that much stuff in just 4 years?  Unbelievable.

To what end?  We have decided to move back to our home town in New Mexico. That is where my husband and I are both from (although we never lived there as a married couple.) My daughter lives there with her husband and her soon to be born son as does my step-daughter..  While I am beyond thrilled that we will be living close to our precious children and grandchild…… I never planned on living in NM ever again.  It’s not the place I really want to be. And yet…we’re going because that’s where we should be … with our family.  We decided we need to be in our grandchild’s life much more than we hate living in NM. So that’s where we are going to be starting over.  But I don’t know when just yet.

My journal page reflects the conflict that’s been plaguing my mind:

“We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. “

A New Life


Have I told you that I love the movie “The Crow” with Brandon Lee? No? Well, last weekend as I watched my 10th or so viewing of it, I took this photo of the TV screen with an Iphone app called Procamera, then used the PSMobile app, to alter it. I think it’s cool. :)

From The Crow


What’s on your mind these days?

May 31, 2010

To my Dad and Father-in-Law


And especially to all the men and women who have

died in service to our country. 

Thank you !

May 16, 2010

Don’t just stand there gyrating.

I know some people don’t like to dance, they feel silly shaking their bootie.  Me? I love dancing.  I just wish I was better at it.  My Guy and I only go dancing once a year or so on New Years Eve (except this year, we didn’t go this year because of the job situation.)

We’re from the baby boomer generation and because there is no *dance* that goes along with “Purple Haze,” we didn’t learn to dance. We just kind of stand there and gyrate, as my dad used to say. 

My Guy and I tried dance lessons about 20 years ago but we both wanted to lead. LOL ( My motto is if you’re not going to lead, I will….LOL) So we didn’t learn much.   But now I’d love to take Salsa lessons and we have actually thought giving lessons another try. Someday, when we actually have a place to try what we learned, we just might.

Anyone know where we can Salsa dance in Sacramento?

Learn 2 Dance


And in the late but better than never category is the page inspired by the Mother’s Day card I got from my guy. I still haven’t told him I cut it up the same day he gave it to me. Sshhh!

Mothers Day

May 4, 2010

Beauty comes in small packages


I won Tapeswell tapes


Yay!! I just got these beautiful tapes in the mail from A week or two ago, someone on Twitter mentioned that Brides Buddy blog was having a tape giveaway. So I hurried myself over there to enter and I was the lucky winner.  Aren’t they gorgeous?

I want to thank both Tracy Kuethe from the Brides Buddy blog and Eileen from for their generosity.  They are almost too pretty to use but use them I will; in my journals and art mail.

OK, gotta go put them to good use…..

May 1, 2010

The Girl, the Bird and the Pipe


Here are some new journal pages that I have been working on. Nothing fancy, just something to keep me creating.  I’m having fun with the colorful geometric designs but I decided to try something else too. Don’t want to get in a rut. :)

The Girl:

I’ve been questioning my decisions a lot lately.  I guess it has to do with our financial situation, which is still not good.  I will probably be second guessing myself until things normalize …. whatever normal might be in the future. I know normal will be very different but I’m hopeful that it will be better even if it’s scaled down. 

If Only

The Bird:

I could never be a bird; I hate worms.  I’d rather have coffee.

The Early Bird

The Pipe:

I almost feel like I should add text to the pipe. Maybe later. I’m not feeling very wordy right now. Although I’m sure my husband would disagree considering I had a few with him a while ago.  :)

Pipe N Doodles

April 26, 2010

Abstracts and Florals

It seems that my journal pages have been following a certain theme lately….abstract shapes colored with watercolor pencils, intense pencils or Prismacolor markers and floral designs. 

Colorful Flowers 2

On this first page, I used Prismacolor markers on the right side and watercolor background on the left.  For the floral color, I used Intense pencils.  I used a Pitt pen for the zentangle doodles.  You’d think I would have worked in the two sides separately but No.  Both side were done at the same time. I really like the intensity of the color.

Colorful Flowers 2


Colorful Flowers 3

The right side of this page was really a happy accident.  When I colored the page above with the markers, they bled to the other side of the page so I decided to make use of the color there.  It’s a little patchy and not as intense as the first page but I like it just as much.  

Colorful Flowers 3

April 21, 2010

We Had Jungle Fever

This past weekend I went to help My Girl get a room ready for the new baby. “Little G” is due in a little over two months.  My Girl sweetly said that I inspired her desire to decorate the room in a jungle animal theme when I gave her stuffed giraffe and baby clothes with cute jungle animals on them.

So for weeks she searched for just the right pictures that we could paint on the walls taking into consideration our level of painting expertise and the time required to do it.  Because I’m not in the same town our time frame was short and the images had to be uncomplicated and easy to do. Not only did we only have a few short days to paint but we also had to shop for baby accessories to fit with the painting and go on a hospital maternity tour. (I’ll be with her and her husband in the delivery room.) 

The animals are not as detailed as I would have liked but we think it came out great. We had loads of fun and we worked out butts off getting the room done.  Here is what we painted:

Little G's name in letters









Monkey N Tree

Monkey Closeup

Not too bad for a couple of amateurs.  We also got a lamps, rugs and other jungley accessories to round out the jungle theme.  It was a great bonding experience.


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