My husband and I spent Saturday and Sunday on the coast celebrating our 23rd anniversary. I can hardly believe it’s already been 23 years that I married the love of my life, my best friend. But because things haven’t been easy recently, we were really looking forward to some badly needed stress relief in the form of a ocean visit and together time getting reacquainted with the things that made us fall in love all those years ago.
Saturday we left home and drove two hours to Stinson Beach where we were going to spend the night at the quaint Sandpiper Inn. We enjoyed each others company, the sunshine, and always gorgeous Stinson Beach. We got there early and spent almost the entire day on the beach. First we walked and talked for hours and hours. Then had a few drinks, ate dinner and went back to the beach to watch the sunset. What a lovely day it turned out to be!!
Sunday after breakfast and another brief walk on the Stinson beach, we hopped in the car and drove a few miles to Bolinas. We found several art galleries and a wonderful museum but what really WOWed me was the painted beach wall. It was a free form, ever changing wall of organic art. Hand painted art, stencil and graffiti art and even a face carved to a rock. Take a look at all the beautiful photos I was able to take with just my IPhone.
This is the Gothic Dolphin:
Surfing Frankenstein
Surfing Raquel
Pack It In, Pack It Out
Stone Faced Girl

Aren’t they awesome? I came home inspired !!