So you want to know what I've been up to? Silly question because if you're reading this blog it's to know what I've been working on recently. First up: Not long ago I joined an Altered Switch Plate Swap at and made these for the swap:

What do you think? I like all of them but the flowers are my favorite. I'm curious to see what I get back in return.
My Guy and I also decided to throw a dinner party for 8 of our closest friends and that happened last night. The party, wine and food were a great success. How could it not be, they are all wonderful people. Oh and I want to thank Linda and Mike for bringing us 6 bottles of their home made wine. We've yet to taste it because we had so many other bottles already open. But I can't wait to try it.
So you are wondering how does this party relate to my art? Well, for about a year now I have been planning to create a mosaic table using a very complex design (for a mosaic newbie, that is) and I'd been procrastinating because, as usual, I was unsure of my abilities to handle the design. However, wanting it to be finished by party time necessitated that I simplify the design greatly to something that I could finish by Friday evening. It wasn't the design that I originally worked on, but both My guy and I love it.
My Guy thinks I work great under pressure; I guess I do. He didn't think I get it done on time considering when I actually started cutting the tiles (with a ring saw). But finish I did.. mostly... it was finished enough to serve dinner on. I'll tell you, I felt a sense of accomplishment. Here is a picture of it:

What else have I been up to? This isn't art related but it is fun to eat the results. Yes, I've been tending my vegetable garden. Green peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, and lemons. (Nothing on the lime tree yet.) Anybody have a to-die-for eggplant recipe? if so, please, please post it in the comments section.
OK the last picture isn't from the vegetable garden but I'm proud of it just the same. They are my unripe lemons from a lemon tree I've had for several years. Why am I proud? I've finally remembered to water it on a regular enough basis that it is actually growing lemons this year. :)

Thanks for reading. What has your week been like?