September 21, 2014

29 Faces # 19, 20, 21

You’re eyes do not deceive you, there are 8 faces on this page not three. But since they are small and I sketched them over three days, I’m only counting them as three. I knew the weekend would be busy with only small chunks of time, here and there, to work on the 29 faces project. So my challenge was to draw as many small faces as I could over the weekend, all on the same page (the page to be completed at a later date)

I have to tell you, pencil drawings are not easy to photograph, especially in low light. The graphite picks up a sheen and obliterates the detail of the drawing. Oh no, I’m not making excuses for the bad drawings, only the bad photograph. :)

I think I like the top left and the bottom left faces the best.

29 Faces #19-20-21


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