And again I haven’t had much time to finish any art work this week. My creativity had taken on a much larger project. What am I doing? That really should read ‘What are we doing?" My guy and I have been planning a bedroom/bathroom remodel since we moved to this house almost three years ago. And for one reason or another the remodel has off and on and off again. The biggest reason is the economy and believe me when I say we knew the problems with the economy were coming even before it was officially called an economic downturn. So after receiving several $50,ooo estimates for the project we decided that it wasn’t a good time to go forward with it.
However, I knew that if we really wanted to, the two of us could build it ourselves (excluding the plumbing, that we’ll have to hire out). But it took quite a while convince my guy that we should do the bulk of the work. He kept telling me that he was too old to be doing that kind if stuff. Please, he’s only 50… and I’ve got a few years on him and I think we can do it if we set my mind to it. After all, the two of us remodeled the kitchen in our last house and it turned out beautifully.
What really helped my case is that my guy’s older sister (she’s my age) and her husband built their own house with the help of their daughters (no sons to help). Literally, built their own house, walls and everything and they did it in a year.
Mind you this project has been planned out for a while now. We have our drawings, and above older sisters husband who is an architect has been here to give us lots of advice and it has been discussed to death. So we finally decided that we really needed the closets, badly, and that’s where we would start. and we would do it slowly so as not to kill ourselves. So three weekends ago we went out and bought lumber, hauled it upstairs and let it dry for two weeks.
Then last weekend we started. we cut the wood and framed out three walls of our closet. Here is a picture:

Do you see the walls behind the framing? This weekend we will be putting up drywall so when we knock those walls down we won’t get a lot dust in the bedroom.
My closet will be on the left and my guys will be on the right side. They will each have high ceilings for the extra storage. The break between the framing will be a hallway that will eventually lead to the bathroom. The inside will be made up of Ikea closet units. I can’t wait because ever since we ripped out the bedroom closet (it used to be behind the white door on the right), we have clothes in all the closets in the house. I can’t find anything.
My advice to anyone considering doing something like this? Get a framing nailer. It saved us and each section of the wall was put together in ten minutes.
Well, I haven’t been totally art free but I just don’t have anything finished to show you. I am working on two paintings. One is a floral inspired by Georgia O’Keefe due to the Gray Reef ning site. And the other is the portrait I’ve talked about before. When I get done with the floral, I’ll post it.