I’ve always wanted to work with wood and do a little upcycling. The idea of turning a flea market find into something cool has intrigued me for a long time. I have to thank Pinterest for keeping my interest piqued. At the same time a fear of power tools that could cut off fingers, hands, or poke an eye out held me back…until this year.
I decided I was going to make a medicine cabinet from the case I brought home with me after we cleaned out my parents home when they passed away. I didn’t have high expectations that it would turn out good much less great, I just wanted to learn something about woodworking. My idea was that this would be my practice piece for the medicine cabinet I would build for my bathroom remodel.
I used every resource I could find from Pinterest to YouTube and everything in between to teach myself the skills I needed to make this cabinet. I watched videos from tool reviews to how to use a router and a chop saw. My favorites were about how to make use of a pocket hole jig and how to cut crown molding. Now you can see why I didn't have time for "art."
Well enough babbling…here is my “practice” medicine cabinet. It’s hanging in the bathroom we have recently remodeled. I love it so much I don’t know if I’ll build another one. It also has mirrors on the inside door; I tip I got from looking at my husbands purchased medicine cabinet.